Terms of Service

Any instances of “I” or “me/my/mine” refers to the artist.
“You/your” and “the buyer” refers to the commissioner.
REJECTING AN ORDER: I have a right to refuse a commission order if I am uncomfortable with the customer. When refusing an order, I am obligated to not give any specifics as to why I canceled. Being foul behavior and demanding a reason through aggression/passive-aggression will end up with you getting blocked.PRODUCT USAGE: You may not use my art for anything cryptocurrency/NFT related websites, AI technology or kink/fetish related. It is also restricted to use my art for any hate-speech related discrimination, whether it'd be the disrespect of religion, homophobia, transphobia, racism, ableism, etc.COPYRIGHT: I have the right to post my finished products online, whether it'd be for portfolios, usage as commission examples, promoting myself in social media, etc. Any other info such as reference photos will not be used elsewhere by me. Commercial use of commissioned artwork is available upon request if desired (ie. graphic design logos, banners, etc.) but may be subject to commercial fees.UNDERAGE CUSTOMERS: It is automatically assumed when commissioning me that the buyer providing me the payment is 18+ or a legal guardian/parent. Asking for a chargeback with the claim that the payment was done without a legal adult's authorization will not be accepted.PRODUCT: When buying anything from me, you understand that the products I create are DIGITAL, meaning you are not receiving a physical product.HAGGLING POLICY: When purchasing art pieces from me, you understand that the price total I give you is what you are expected to pay. I will not tolerate free-loaders and doing so will blacklist you from commissioning me in the future.TURNAROUND TIME: When commissioning me, please understand that while my estimated work-time is up to two weeks, life issues do get in the way. If any unexpected events appear, I will let the buyer know that their commission will take a little longer. Please note that turnaround time does not include the wait time for being in a queue.REFUND POLICY: If a sketch has been provided and you do not approve of it, you are allowed to ask for a refund. However, if it has already been approved, I will not allow any refunds from that point forward. If I am unable to complete your art, I am allowed to cancel it at any time and I am responsible to provide you a refund if any payment has been provided. Filing a ‘chargeback’ via Paypal after the artwork is completed is considered scamming and will be reported.CREDITING: You are allowed to share and resize any art pieces that were commissioned between us, all I ask is that when crediting my work, please do not erase or crop out the signature/watermark. I would appreciate it if you linked back to one of my social media sites.

Any instances of ‘designs’ refers to graphic design, adoptables, character design.Design Copyright: Designs created by me may be used in personal, non-commercial works freely. For commercial works such as games, books, comics or otherwise, please contact me to discuss permission and fees; these fee totals are typically decided on a case-by-case scenario.Design Usage: Designs may be altered, adjusted and redesigned freely by the owner and do not require permission for the character’s design to be changed. Much like the general artwork TOS, my designs are not allowed to be used or sold on any sort of NFT / Blockchain / Cryptocurrency website. These designs are also not allowed to be used for any AI-generator programs.Resale of Design: Designs may be resold, re-traded or re-gifted as the buyer sees fit. You do not need to contact me before resale.

NOTICE: For all concerned customers, most of this is a precaution so people do not steal, scam, or misuse my artwork. When purchasing a product from me, this automatically means you have read and agree to everything within my Terms of Service and cannot claim ignorance upon violation when proceeding with any business work.